About Us



Focal Point Gallery supports the production and presentation of new and recent contemporary art that challenges us to think and feel differently about locality, our sense of self and the importance of communities. Our wide-ranging and pioneering artistic programme is relevant to local and national audiences alike, through exploring current concerns that also resonate internationally. Based in Southend-on-Sea on the Thames Estuary, FPG’s activities take place in locations across the region with our reach extended by working collaboratively with like-minded partners. FPG commissions and presents major solo exhibitions, group and thematic shows, events and off-site projects, which develop new audiences and engage local communities.

As a key focus of our output, Focal Point Gallery’s learning programme aims to engage people of all ages in current debates around contemporary art, and looks to extend and develop new audiences. We consider the philosophies and working methods of the artists in our exhibitions programme as the starting point for inspiration, aspiration and discussion in the community. On this basis, the gallery seeks to proactively engage with a wide range of local community groups, schools, young people and children.

Focal Point Gallery also curates and commissions an on-going programme of artist moving image, screened daily on Big Screen Southend; a permanent outdoor video facility located adjacent to our main gallery space in Elmer Square.

In July 2017, the gallery launched Twenty One: an alternative cultural venue for live art, events and exhibitions. Located on the seafront, the venue is situated next to the acclaimed Southend Pier; the longest pleasure pier in the world.

The gallery also leads and curates Radical ESSEX; an on-going project that re-examines the history of the county in relation to radicalism in thought, lifestyle, politics and architecture.

Focal Point Gallery receives regular funding from Arts Council England as a National Portfolio Organisation. The gallery also forms part of Southend-on-Sea Borough Council from which it receives regular support.

Opening Hours:

Wednesday to Saturday 11.00am to 5.00pm, Sunday 11.00am to 12noon

Lights Up relaxed Time: We operate a lights up relaxed time every Thursday and Sunday between 11.00am and 12.00pm when the exhibition is adapted to be brighter if generally dim lit for artistic or preservation purposes, and open specifically for visitors with autism, Tourette’s or anyone who may benefit from a relaxed attitude towards movement and noise making or a lighter environment. Amendments to sound will be made. please check exhibition dates to avoid installation periods when the gallery will be closed.

Big Screen Southend: opening hours Monday to Sunday 10.00am to 6.00pm


Location & Contact Details


Focal Point Gallery

The Forum

Elmer Square




Email Address

FocalpointGallery@Southend.gov.uk (for enquiries) fpglearning@southend.gov.uk (for enq re learning programme)


01702 534108