Fun-Filled Day at Dad’s Zone Rugby Toddler Taster Session

Published on: February 1, 2024

A Better Start Southend hosted a Dad’s Zone Rugby Tea and Tots session on Saturday 27th January 2024 at Shoebury Youth Centre, which was a huge hit with those in attendance.

Rachel Gardner, Engagement Officer at A Better Start Southend said:

“What a great fun filled session we had. Thank you to the facilitator and also to the dads/carers for coming along and making some great memories with their little ones.”

A Better Start Southend (ABSS) is a 10-year programme to develop and test new ways of supporting Southend’s children and families. It is about using new ways of thinking to solve some of the problems that have affected local children and families for years. The programme started life in April 2015 and is one of five Better Start areas across the country funded by The National Lottery Community Fund. Find out more about the project, click here.

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