Good News Stories from our Community Builders (30th Oct – 12th Nov)

Published on: November 10, 2023

Eda Deramchia, Shoebury – Sponsored by Shoebury Residents Association

Recently I attended and supported Lorraine at the Asda Coffee Morning, which happens on a monthly basis. Lorraine is the Asda Community Champion and is an inspiring and valuable member of the Community, who is very passionate about Shoebury. For any residents or groups where bringing the community together is at the heart of what they do, Lorraine is always amazing at supporting them in fulfilling this objective.

The Coffee Morning used to take place in the Asda Cafeteria but as it got more popular and grew, it has now moved to St Mary’s Church Hall which is behind Asda. A few community residents who attended enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere, and the delicious snacks and benefited from being introduced to community groups that offer services or venues that they are currently looking for. It also provides an excellent forum for our community leaders to engage with residents and local groups/organisations.

Attending local meetings or groups can be daunting for some people but Lorraine is welcoming, friendly and well-respected in the community, and makes everyone feel at ease. Hot drinks, biscuits and mince pies were provided and it was so lovely to see everyone having great, constructive conversations and the community coming together. This is what this Community Coffee Morning is all about!

Get in touch with Eda:
07534 337503

Chiquitta Bruce, Milton – Sponsored by Milton Community Partnership

Trust Links – Greening Southend and Southend Museum joined forces to improve the museum’s well-being garden located at the side of the museum and planetarium on Victoria Avenue. Interestingly it is one of the very few green spaces located in Victoria Ward; often forgotten and overlooked as a place to eat lunch or to sit and enjoy the beauty of the garden, and the bustling movements of the city.

The garden itself has been in need of a revamp and the event was supported by at least eight different families, who came to help plant lavender and other perennials. It was an action and fun day; weeding, litter picking, planting, seeing fossils and making bug hotels. Everyone’s involvement made a refreshing difference to the garden. Children were encouraged to come back with their families to see how the plants will develop and change with the seasons.

More dates are planned for the near future as there are still a few flower beds to be revamped, so keep an eye out if you’d like to be involved in playing a part in your community.

Get in touch with Chiquitta:
07534 312867

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