SAVS Celebrates Volunteers’ Week by Thanking their Volunteers with a Special Seaside Event

Published on: June 7, 2024

Our Volunteers make a huge difference to our work all year round, so for National Volunteers’ Week 2024 we celebrated our fantastic supporters who give their time and skills to SAVS over all of our different projects with a thank you event at the Thames Estuary Yacht Club.

SAVS has over 90 Volunteers who are a key part of our culture; we couldn’t do what we do without them! Over the past six months, these volunteers have provided us with 16,030 hours of unpaid work which is equivalent to £17,000 in paid time. The event was a lovely opportunity to recognise their support, value and contributions to SAVS.

SAVS CEO, Anthony Quinn kicked off the event by saying:

Volunteering is such an important part of civic life, society and our community and without volunteering, being willing to learn new skills and share our passion and love for the place we live in, it wouldn’t be the same.

Southend Mayor Councillor Ron Woodley was also in attendance and rounded up the certificate presentation with a heartfelt speech:

I’m amazed at all of the work you do as Volunteers,” he said “The City of Southend wouldn’t be the City we are without you volunteering and the work that you do for the residents of this city, I am so amazed that I get lost for words but well done to all of you, the work you do is tremendous.

A big thank you to our Volunteers and St Vincent’s Centre for the catering, KMS Hire for the décor and Leah Sanderson Music for the entertainment.

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