We’re currently looking to grow our wonderful team of volunteers, who help deliver sessions, support the children and bring fun and enthusiasm to the clubs.
Can you, or someone you know, help by donating 2 hours of your time each week?
For more information email turningtides@savs-southend.co.uk

About the project

Children from central Southend have Triple Ts clubs to help inspire them and raise their aspirations, with thanks to funding from BBC Children in Need. Funding provides weekly sessions for youngsters aged 8-12 years.

Triple Ts are run by Turning Tides Team Leaders, along with a group of local volunteers.

The Clubs give the youngsters a chance to try out new activities like first aid and cooking, as well as learning about Southend through visits to and from local organisations and services.

We aim to give the Triple Ts the opportunity to broaden their outlook and achieve their full potential.

Aims of Triple Ts

Building Confidence
Improving Mental and Physical Wellbeing
Participating in Positive Community Action

What we do

There are three Triple Ts clubs in Southend which are located on the main estates; Balmoral, Queensway and Woodgrange. These are considered to be the most disadvantaged areas of Southend-on-Sea. Since the Triple Ts project began, we have worked with over 350 children between the ages of 8-12.

Programme sessions are specifically designed to help build confidence within the young people, provide opportunity for community action and improve wellbeing.

Building Confidence
Each week, children are encouraged to interact with other club members through a range of planned activities and at the core of this is increased confidence and self-belief.

Improving Mental and Physical Wellbeing
Sessions are designed to be active, to develop personal skills and introduce healthier ways of living for the children. We are always looking for new types of activities to help improve both the physical and mental wellbeing of the Triple Ts.

Participating in Positive Community Action
Community project sessions are planned, helping children to lead action on issues important to them. We also encourage community involvement, inviting groups and different organisations to support. With a focus on children being involved in the wider community it helps to develop a sense of belonging and raises aspirations.

Voice Box

Our Voice Box group made up of 10 experienced Triple Ts meet regularly to plan activities and sessions. Coming up with ideas and themes of campaigning, art projects and opportunities to do positive things in the community.

Summer Holiday

Each year we take a group of 20 children to Great Hucklow which is situated in the beautiful Derbyshire Dales for a week long
holiday. The trip is a great way to help build confidence and teach the young people important life skills. It encourages them to appreciate the great outdoors and to be little explorers, whilst allowing friendships to blossom and the space to just be kids for the week.

Christmas Party

In December, all of the Triple Ts join together for a big celebration. We hire out activity venues like bowling, laser tag or roller skating and come together to celebrate the year.

To find out more call the Triple Ts Team on 01702 356 000, or send us an email.

Proudly Sponsored by

BBC Children in Need

From coast to coast, in towns and cities right across the UK, BBC Children in Need is out there making a difference.

The amazing projects we support help change the lives of disadvantaged children and young people all over the country.