SAVS spends time with PICCPALS

Published on: March 28, 2024

Good News Stories from our Community Builders (March 2024)

SAVS Community Builder, Chiquitta Bruce visits PICCPALS

“What I had anticipated to be a simple sewing group, turned out to be something extraordinary— with stories of hope and support for those battling long-term illnesses. Their impact reaches far beyond mere fabric and thread.”

Founded in January 2021, PICCPALS, a not-for-profit group nestled in the heart of Westcliff who craft free PICC line covers for patients undergoing medium to long-term treatments. They’ve distributed over 17,000 covers to hospitals, hospices, and individual patients alike.

Chiquitta continues,

“What began with just seven sewing enthusiasts has blossomed into a thriving community initiative, with over 20 passionate individuals pouring their hearts into every stitch. Partnering with Kayes Textiles (a Westcliff business) has propelled their efforts even further, enabling them to expand their reach month by month, a real showcase of what can be achieved with collaboration between sectors.”

“Expanding beyond their initial focus on cancer patients, PICCPALS now extends their support to individuals grappling with a myriad of conditions—from Cystic Fibrosis to blood disorders. With specialised ranges for men, women, and children, they strive to brighten even the darkest of days with a touch of comfort and cheer.”

“As I said goodbye to the ladies at PICCPALS, I couldn’t help but feel inspired by their dedication to theirs and the wider community.”

Chiquitta Bruce – Sponsored by Milton Community Partnership

Get in touch with Chiquitta:
07534 312867

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