A group of parents, supported by SAVS launched A Better Space to improve community green spaces in Southend. They have built relationships with the Parks Team at Southend Borough Council and with Essex Police to move this forward. It has now developed into a Constituted Group.

There is much evidence highlighting the benefits of being outdoors. With more people feeling isolated and the need to take care of nature and the environment we live in A Better Space could prove to be the ideal solution. A Better Space aims to embrace the needs of the local community, recognising that taking part in social/physical activity outdoors helps build our social understanding and interpersonal skills. When being outside we begin to feel more confident as a person, as a parent, as a carer, as a child with a happy parent, as a young adult finding their way in life and as a retired person looking for something to keep them active.

If you would like to follow the A Better Space story and find out how you can get involved you can follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or email them at abetterspace@savs-southend.co.uk. They would love to hear from you!

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07941 335509